29 Jul
A Weekend and 2 nights of Art, Performance, Readings, Film and Discussion Celebrating the Genius and Legacies of Brian Catling, featuring over 40 artists -30th August -1st September at Candid Arts

30th August- 1st September: Brian Catling Event - 3:16

A weekend and 2 Nights of Art, Performance, Readings, Film and Discussion marking the genius and legacies of Brian Catling.t

Venue: Candid Arts 3 Torrens Street, London, EC1V 1NQ · (020) 7837 4237

6pm - 10pm 30th and 1.00pm - 10pm  31st August

Sunday 1st September 1pm - 6pm

Free entrance 

Friday 30th   Performances from

Stewart Home 

Calum F Kerr

Matt Sokulsky 

Johnny Pulp 

Matt Martin 

Patrick Cosgrove

Jack Catling 

Matthew Luck Gilpin 

Cristina Reyes


Andrew Kotting 

Melanie Thompson 

Films from the Catling film archive



Lisa Ivory
Sophy Hollington
Harry Adams
Liane Lang
James F Johnston
Lorraine Clarke
Simon Monk
Mei Mei
Wayne Chisnall
Jennie Sharman-Cox
Tom Buchanan
Neil Horenz-Kelley
David Bray
Richard Marshall
Sue Williams A’ Court
Ben Oakley
Nick Simpson
Harvey Stafford
Jonny Charles Harris
Fiona Foster
Rowan Righelato
Samuel Webster
Helen Murphy Cristina Reyes Linda Nylind The Mycoleum
Chris Jenkins
David Tolley
Luke Pendrell

Artem Spivak

Live music   Zuza and Niel Maclean 

Saturday 31st 


Aaron Williamson 

Trine Lyngsholm 

Donna Han 

SJ Fowler 

Vilde Torset 

Melanie Thompson 

Simon Raven 

Sue Williams 



Victor Rees 

Jack Catling 

Iain Sinclair 

Geoff Cox 

Flossie Catling 

Matthew Shaw 

Andrew Spragg

Live Music

'Everything Unfolding From Emptiness’ - a set of improvised music for trumpet, gongs and electronics by Alex Bonney and Will Glaser

What we know. The boundaries of what gets sold as comfort were shattered years ago.  The wrongness of the occult is merely older gods stretching limbs, and not all of them are their own. That Catling harried implicit violence, dreamed out those dark spaces behind half open doors towards ghosts, spirits, nightmares and the bleak Cyclops, all that is implicit. That he, as a shaman of the macabre and the perverse made art performances to evoke a discomfort that lingers long after the curtains close on Mr. Rapehead , the Shuffle, and the icy landscapes of Migrant, so much is too obvious to be lingered over for any length of time. 
What we want. Brian Catling died in 2022 and we are seeking to evoke his presence again by assembling a group of artists, writers and performers who for an evening combine to present their works as shadows of his gigantic presence. We want an evening where obliquely we catch glimpses once more of his imagination, from  haunting poetry and dark rituals to mesmerizing paintings and berserk novels, to uncover the necessary occult that lurks within us.
Brian Catling's world is not one of comfort or entertainment, but of red dreams and visceral experience, one probably getting as close as anyone to the one William Blake envisioned centuries ago. 

Bad Radio Signal - Johnny Pulp and the Lemonheads

Cyclops in the Brickwork.mp3

'Cyclops In The Brickwork' - Johnny Pulp and the Lemonheads